Sunday, September 4, 2011

Irma wants to know!

Sorry you didn't hear from me last night, we actually had a bad storm come through and we were without power for seven hours; I'm not complaining 'cause we really needed the 1.5 inches of rain we got here on Possum Creek!

Here's a quick question for you today: When you were a kid, what was your favorite sandwich? Peanut Butter and Jelly or Grilled Cheese?  Possibly you had another fav or a take off of one of these classics so let me hear from you! 


  1. My kids love peanut butter & banana! But for me.... tomato, cheese, and lettuce with mayo!

  2. I always loved (and still do sometimes) bologna with ketchup sandwich!! Yuck, I know!!!

  3. I am a peanut butter and banana and mayonnaise . . .
