Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back it up, Back it up

Last we blogged, I spoke of my heritage and the beginning of a new journey. The purpose of this blog is to keep you informed of the detailed process, without boring you to death, of the birth of a dream; a retail fine food shop (without an ‘e’). And also to keep me honest and focused on the tasks at hand without using excessive air quotes! This entire process began a couple of months ago, so my first task is to catch us all up with what has transpired thus far. However, our first hurtle is to create another blog format. It seems the Google format will only allow Googlites to post comments on the afore mentioned Google blogs; therefore, my precious husband Dave, aka, IT Director of Irma James, is currently working to correct this slight problem. You see, the ability to comment is most important because it “takes a village” (so sorry about the air quotes) to create a fine food shop (without an ‘e’) and you, my faithful friends, are my village. Dave is working feverously to create a new blog site, so stay tuned for a new and improved me!

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